Our conduct and attitude are governed by the spirit of Prayer, Unity, Love, Servant Leadership, and Extravagance in Spirit (P.U.L.S.E).
In-Touch Team looks out for newcomers to NHC’s weekly Sunday services and engages them after the service. Befrienders will extend God’s love and care with the hope that you will continue to grow spiritually with us. Our Hospitality Team supports the In-Touch team by engaging newcomers and serving them drinks and snacks after the service.
Follow-up Ministry train and equip workers to do basic discipleship bible study in order to ground the faith of young believers. Our attend to members that need special attention and bridge the gap of transition for our visitors and to channel them for growth and fellowship.
Youth Ministry help the youths grow closer to God and build interpersonal relationships with other youths in small groups. We discipling the next generation to impact their generation.
Connect Groups fulfill the vision of our church, that is, to build an intergenerational church through Christian living and discipleship from home. We provide a platform for discipleship and facilitate members to connect with God, with one another, and the ‘world’, which results in a deeper relationship with God, loving relationship with one another, and influential relationship to pre-Christians.
Prayer Ministry encourage members to pray together and cultivate a lifestyle of prayer. We focus on NHC coming events, regular Sunday Services and personal needs like salvation of family members, loved ones and healing. Also, praying for the challenges facing Singapore, Mission recipients, persecuted churches and global crisis.
Worship Ministry bring the congregation closer to God through worship. We build one another in faith and understand our ministry’s role in the church and our role within the ministry. As we bond and gel as a team, we progress in terms of skills and techniques for musicians, singers and worship leaders.
Christian Education provide support for equipping of members of the Church so that they can carry out the work of the ministry. We provide spiritual education to members of the Church so as to equip them in the understanding of the Word of God.
New Horizon Kids disciple and shape the faith of our children through weekly Sunday school classes and beyond. We train and equip teachers or assistants to be excellent in teaching and mentoring the children. We partner with and equip parents and grandparents in intergenerational discipleship.
A team of Multi-Media Ministries including Visual, Audio, Videography and Photography. Capturing memorable pictures, producing special videos for presentation and live-streaming. We thank God that we had facilities set up before the pandemic, and we are looking into how we can more effectively help the Church in providing technical support for the church during Sunday English services and church events.
Chinese Ministry guide believers to turn their hearts back to God, obey His word and to surrender and establish loyalty to Him. To build relationships among the members with the heart of Christ (Philippians 2:11-5), willing to lead by example, life affecting life, bringing people to Christ, and not be a stumbling block.
Community Outreach express God’s love by meeting the needs of our community that provide the opportunity to build relationship and the platform to share God’s plan of salvation. “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.” (Matthew 25:40).
Missions Ministry fulfill the Great Commission by proclaiming the gospel of Christ, making disciples, and training of leaders for local churches in overseas.
Join Us! If you would like to speak to one of our Pastors, need prayer or just like to find out more, please email us at with your name and contact details and we’ll get in touch with you.