Joshua Lye
Senior Pastor
Pastor Joshua Lye’s life was transformed during a church revival in the 1990s. Prior to full-time ministry, he was a chartered accountant, and worked as a CFO with various MNCs. He founded and pastored Revivalife Church for a decade before joining New Horizon Church where he succeeded Pastor Lawrence Koo in May 2024. He has a Bachelor of Accountancy (NTU), a Master of Business Administration (California State University) and a Master of Divinity (Singapore Bible College). He is married to Florence Ho, and they have two children, Ronnie and Tania.
Pastor Joshua is a Bible teacher who is passionate about revival, Christian apologetics, discipleship, and equipping the younger generation. He is a minister of the New Covenant who ministers life through the Holy Spirit (2 Cor 3:6). He is the author of the book, “Walking on Water, 7 keys to experiencing God in a living relationship.”

Peter Koh
Assistant Pastor
Pastor Peter Koh holds a Master of Theology from Trinity Theological College in 2024 and a Master of
Divinity from TCA college in 2019. He is married to Geni in 1989 with three sons, Russell, Remus &
Peter Koh is passionate in teaching God’s Word & in reaching out to God’s people. He is responsible
for the Christian Education Ministry since 2013. He is now responsible for the Connect Ministry from
- He is both a Bible teacher as well as a Connect leader in New Horizon Church. He is also
involved in mission teaching and preaching. He preaches in New Horizon Church on a regular basis.
Moon Chai
Assistant Pastor
Moon graduated from AGTS, Springfield, MO, USA in 2003 with a Master of Divinity. She is married to Dennis Thong and they have a daughter, See Wai and a son, Gwong Yih.
Moon is passionate for Christ especially in prayer, teaching and discipleship. Besides overseeing the Youth and Children ministry, she is one of the Connect leaders and is also actively involved as an intercessor. Her heart’s desire is to see the younger generation to know Christ, growing in their Faith and grounded in the Word.

Lee Tian Keong
Assistant Pastor (Chinese Ministry)
As a young pastor, Pastor Lee’s experienced the Baptism in the Spirit during the Charismatic revival in a Lutheran church in the 1990s. This experience changed the trajectory of his life and ministry. Subsequently, he began to minister with the gifts of the Spirit and was actively involved in the deliverance ministry.
Pastor Lee is responsible for the Chinese ministry at New Horizon Church. He preaches with the anointing and conviction of the Spirit. He is proficient in Mandarin, Hokkien and Cantonese.
Pastor Lee has a Bachelor of Theology from Trinity Theological College (SG), and a Master of Arts in Theology from Lutheran Theological College (HK). He is married to Madam Yong Lee Meng, and they have a daughter, Kai Ning.
If you would like to speak to one of our Pastors, need prayer or just like to find out more, you may also email us at with your name and contact details and we’ll get in touch with you.